Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bridal Business

All the Bridemaids got together Sunday to see Margo in her dress and to go look at potential dresses for us. Margo had found a bridesmaid dress online that she loved and wanted to get a feel for what we thought and just to see how it looked on all of us.
We met at David's Bridal around 1pm and it was Bride-mania 2012 in there. Everywhere you looked there were ladies trying on dresses, shoes, and hair accessories . We had an appointment but they were running late so we had to wait a little bit. During that time Margo went over color and hair ideas. Everyone seemed to be on the same page which makes things EASY for Margo!
Finally we were helped and Margo put on her dress for us. As before, it was perfect! All of us ooed and aahed over her and I saw other girls who were trying on dresses starring at her. You could tell they wanted a dress just as perfect. The girls and I grabbed shoes and all sorts of accessories and played around with ideas. Poor Margo was getting pulled and tugged in every direction! Margo decided not to go with a veil, which I totally agree with, and may add a sash. I didn't think I was going to like the sash but when she held it up it did look really pretty. I can see it going either way.

After David's Bridal we headed to the Ultimate Bride in Brentwood. The dress Margo liked only had one size and was this horrible yellow color. I tried it on first and sadly it wouldn't zip. I was very sad but at least I have a while till the wedding and it can be altered. I just need to hang in there! Margo originally was going to have us all in the same dress with different shades of earthy colors but after thinking about this a little more and looking at the samples, we decided to do just one color and I really think it will flatter everyone in the wedding party.

When we were finished at the Ultimate Bride, Margo, mom, and I went to a tapas restaurant down the street in Clayton called Barcelona. We ordered the calamari frito ( fried calamari), coliflor al azafran (roasted cauliflower with saffron, raisins and pine nuts), pincho de maruna (pork tenderloin with curry mayo), and trigueros con romesco (grilled asparagus with romesco sauce). It was all FANTASTIC! Mom had a martini and Margo enjoyed some merlot. We chatted about the wedding and the goings on in our lives. Sometimes things are so rushed so this was a perfect little "catch up" for us.I had a great day and feel like we got a lot done!

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