Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's a Groovy Birthday Party

So my sister's fiance and I pulled a fast one on Margo. Her 30th birthday was just around the corner and I realized it fell on a weekend that was already busy for me and probably busy for many others because her birthday was on...wait for it...Super Bowl Sunday. Whoopee. I'm sure you can tell I was REALLY excited about the game. All along Margo seemed very understanding and was okay with not doing much for her birthday...little did she know what was in store!

Anyway, Shane and I came up with the perfect idea... a 70's themed surprise bowling party. We arranged it, sent out invites, and waited for the night of the surprise. We could barely stand it!

Finally, the night arrived. Shane, Margo, and I made plans to meet for "dinner" and I was supposed to call and tell her I got a flat tire on the way and just happened to be by a bowling alley(that isn't weird at all, right??) . To those of you who know me, the flat tire scenario was totally believable. Kinda sad, really. Before I made the call to notify Margo of my mishap, friends and family gathered in a room to the right and set up the cake with a logo drawn by Margo herself, balloons, gifts, and a cute little 70's shirt that Margo could throw on so she could be dressed in her finest 70's attire along with the rest of the crew.

Around 9:20 I made the call. Of course she didn't answer right away so I had to keep calling. The anticipation was KILLING me! Finally she called me back. I told her my sob story of the flat tire and she sounded a little ticked but was willing to come help me. Aw, such a sweet sister.

I ran back inside where we waited and of course dad was poking his head out looking for her(someone else was dying from anticipation). My phone rang and she asked where I was and I said in the restroom and told her to come in (hoping it wouldn't be too obvious). When she walked in she saw dad and even said to Shane, I think that's my dad and Shane didn't really respond. They came around the corner and SURPRISE! She was beside herself. She looked so shocked and I know everyone being there, especially when she thought there was no time that weekend for ANY birthday festivities, really touched her. Margo changed into her 70's gear and looked amazing!

Later in the evening, she opened a gift from me. It was a picnic basket with plates, cutlery, and cups. Inside the basket was another present. Here's a little back story:

At Nanna's house, in the upper room, there has always been, as long as we can remember, an owl pencil holder. Margo and I have been so in love with that little ceramic jar and joked about who would get it eventually. Margo even has made up a saying, "Owl love you forever" and it pretty much came from that pencil holder.

Well, about a month ago I was visiting my Grandmother and decided to ask about that owl and if it had any sentimental value. To my surprise she said, "What owl?"

I described it to her and she said that I could have it. I was beyond excited! I couldn't wait to rub it in Margo's face! I was going to send her a picture text too but didn't in the end. I felt like it was meant to be mine because inside was a matchbook. Matchbooks are significant because I collect them and I started because of Nanna. She even gave me HER collection!

So I got back to St. Louis and something in me just kept telling me to give it to Margo. I tried to ignore it because that little owl meant a lot to me. I even went so far as trying to find another one just like it on Ebay, which I did. Kind of. It was a little different but was pretty much the same concept so I bought it for Margo.

I was satisfied with my choice. However, that nagging voice came again and again...and AGAIN. You can probably guess what I decided to do.

Now back to the bowling birthday party. Margo got the basket and inside was another gift, yada yada. Inside I had wrapped the owl, the one from Nanna, and couldn't wait for her to open it! She pulled it out, still in the bag, and exclaimed, "I know what this is!" and I was like hey! How did you know! But then she opened it and was so surprised and moved! She thought it was a coffee mug. REALLY? A coffee mug? LOL, oh, Margo!

That night we bowled, we laughed, and we celebrated Margo. There's really not much more to it than that :) Simply a wonderful night!

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