Monday, February 13, 2012

Sick of Being Sick

Not much went on this weekend due to the fact that I had the worst cold ever! I was super bummed because I had all these amazing plans and ended up not being able to do any of them. I kept telling myself at least it was THIS weekend and not last OR the upcoming weekend because it's MARDI GRAS! Holla!
Today I feel much better and I think I may even make it to the gym tonight. I really hope so because I am adamant about losing weight. I'm down about 6 pounds or so. I need to quit weighing myself everyday because it fluctuates. I can't help it though! My curiosity and hope that I've lost some Lbs gets the best of me.
I promise there will be a more interesting post later this week. After all it is Valentine's Day, our first Wobbler Club gathering (which I will explain more later) and like I said before, MARDI GRAS!
Till then, stay cool folks!

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