Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras Rockin in the House Tonight

Saturday was one of my favorite days of the year...MARDI GRAS! Nathan, Jen, Brian, and I started the day off early(about 730am) and went to a nearby bar for a few drinks and a breakfast buffet. We then caught the free shuttle to Soulard and walked around for a little bit before heading to our friend Aaron's where we spent most of the day.

The weather was perfect and I ran into a ton of people I hadn't seen in YEARS! Later on we went to Bar 101 because we had tickets. That place was okay but overly crowded so we didn't stay very long at all.

Later that night we went to The Library Annex and danced. It was really fun but made for a LONG day. We finally caught a cab back to my place around midnight. All in all it was a perfect Mardi Gras! I'm sad it's already over!

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