Thursday, February 9, 2012

Polar Plunge Numero 3

This past Saturday my friends and I attended the Polar Plunge in Lake St. Louis. It's an annual event that raises money for Special Olympics Missouri. You get a team together and you make silly costumes then you run into the ice cold lake. My team consisted of five very brave people: Nikki, Jen, Brian, Laura, and Me. We were the Spandex Allstars and we dressed in workout clothes with sweatbands. Laura had underwear over her spandex-y looking was pretty hilarious. All together my team raised about 500 dollars!
This year was my third year doing the plunge (Jen's third as well and Laura's 2nd). The newbies took it well and I think Nikki was kind of prepared for it since she came and watched us jump last year. Rachel came out to support us and says she will be a part of our team next year. I hope that every year our team gets bigger and bigger! It's funny because it seems whoever comes and watches us jump always ends up joining our team the following year! It's great!
As always, Jen's mom and step dad came and they drove us out there. So nice! Afterwards we went to Trailhead, a microbrewery in St. Charles, and had lunch. I think that might be the start of a tradition too. I absolutely LOVE the PP.
I think we already have an idea for next year! If you wanna know you'll just have to join our team!!! :)

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